Tento týden a celkově v prosinci mě čekají samé příjemné věci a všech se už nemůžu dočkat. Začínám ve čtvrtek výletem do Prahy a navážu sobotní předvánoční Vídní, která mi snad pomůže uvědomit si, že Vánoce jsou za dveřmi a začnu se konečně těšit. Neumím si představit lepší místo, kde se naladit na Vánoce, než právě tam.
There are some pretty plesurable events during this week and in the december as a whole, that Iam looking forward to. It begins on Thursday with my trip to Prague and then it will continue with trip to pre-Christmas Vienna. Luckily it will help me realize that Christmas are knocking on the door and i will start looking forward to them. And i can’t imagine better place that will get me in the right mood than pre-Christmas Vienna itself.
There are some pretty plesurable events during this week and in the december as a whole, that Iam looking forward to. It begins on Thursday with my trip to Prague and then it will continue with trip to pre-Christmas Vienna. Luckily it will help me realize that Christmas are knocking on the door and i will start looking forward to them. And i can’t imagine better place that will get me in the right mood than pre-Christmas Vienna itself.